Camino Portuguese: Day 6
One of many old Roman stone works.
**NOTE: I am getting caught up on my blog. I am a bad blogger. This is my first update in over three years. Hoping to change this but not making any promises! Here is the remaining posts from my Camino Portuguese walk in 2012.
10/14/12 Tui to Porriño
I got on the Way around 8:15a and it was still dark with nothing open. I had yogurt, mango nectar, and an energy drink for breakfast. 2 out of 3 ain't bad on the health meter! The first half of the walk was through woods and quiet country roads. About 6km into the morning, I came onto a restaurant/bar in the middle of nowhere and open on a Sunday. Score! I also met two pilgrims, Justin from Canada and Kenneth from Denmark. I sat with them for a bit while I ate a tortilla patata and cafe con leche.
With renewed energy, I kicked it into gear for the slog into Porriño through the industrial area. I arrived shortly after 1p and settled into the albergue. Took a shower and did some laundry. I ate some of the food I had bought yesterday and then I took a nap.
Familiar pilgrims started arriving. The Korean couple, the French group. Around 7:30p, a group of what many call "tour"igrinos showed up. There were about 20-25 of them and they were loud! Many of them were wandering around trying to find a bed and in general being quite disruptive. Almost all of the bottom bunks had been taken, so it was interesting to observe the whole process of people going to every room to try to find a bottom bunk, only to return and grab one of the many available top bunks available. Around 10p, everyone finally decided to go to bed. This was a good thing since that's usually the "lights out" time in most municipal albergues. I had a Catholic nun above me who seemed to really struggle to get to sleep. Next thing I know, it's 3:20a and they ALL got up and left! They woke me up, even with earplugs in, with their movement. They all seemed to be gone by 4a and I was able to get about three more hours of sleep before having to get up again.