Camino Portuguese: Day 5
10/13/12 Ancora to Tui (foot and train), about 2.5km of walking from Valenca to Tui
This was the view from where I stayed in Ancora. Not bad, huh?
Today was a difficult decision day for me. My feet, body and mind really took a beating yesterday. The route finding without proper maps is really starting to feel unsafe to me. As luck would have it, the train picks up right behind the hotel. I wandered over there to check the schedule and it was picking up in twenty minutes. Decision made. I took the train to Valenca, then walked over to Tui.
It was a little bit wet on the walk over. But so pretty!!!
I wasn't sure where I was going to stay, but I needed a new SIM card for my phone, so I started off following the Camino, knowing it would take me to the old part of town and to the tourism office. I found an Orange shop on the way and stood in line forever. the guy ahead of me was asking a lot of questions. Finally I was able to get the SIM card. It worked perfect and I'm not having the same battery issues with the the Vodafone SIM card I bought in Portugal. I found the tourism office and decided to go to a private albergue called San Clemente. For 10€, it was right on the Camino and close to the Cathedral. Ivan, the hospitalero and owner, was so sweet. The albergue just opened in February this year. He has great plans for the place and I cannot recommend them enough. They also have private rooms available as well, reasonably priced if you want more privacy.
I relaxed for a bit, then took off to see the Cathedral and buy groceries. I finally saw pilgrims! I also got a sello from the Cathedral. I went back to the albergue and the doorbell rang. I was the only one there as Ivan was gone and the albergue technically wasn't open yet. I decided to answer the door and there were four French pilgrims! I invited them in and explained the hospitalero would be back later. Later seven German pilgrims arrived so we went from just me to a full house!
Ivan offered to take me to his parent's restaurante later so I decided to take a nap since it would be a late dinner. I had grilled squid, rice and pasta salad plus a bottle of vino tinto, bread plus yogurt and cafe con leche for dessert. All for 9€. Ivan picked me up and dropped me off at the albergue where we said our goodbyes. We talked about many things and he was really cool. I had no trouble getting to sleep once my earplugs were in!