Camino Portuguese: Day 7
Camino Marker
10/15/12 Porriño to Redondela
After last night's disruption, I got a decent start around 8a. I found a bar around 9 or 10a and stopped for a cafe con leche. Shortly after Mos, I met a German pilgrim on his way to Pontevedra, a long day for sure! We walked together until Redondela, then I stopped for a late breakfast at the beginning of town. I found this really nice bar with a great menu for pilgrims. I had some fresh-squeezed OJ, a cafe con leche and some toast. From there I continued walking and decided to stay at a private albergue instead. I arrived at 1p and there was no one there. I rang the doorbell. No one. So I decided to call and was told where I could find the key. I made myself at home, took a shower, ate a snack then wandered around a while, buying more snacks for later. I found a small bar down the street from the albergue. I had an early dinner. I was able to get caught up on a few days of journaling before heading back to the albergue. There's a group of seven German women I keep running into and they were outside waiting to pay for the room in the albergue so I waited with them. A woman finally showed up, we paid our money and she was gone! It was weird. I had a room all to myself that night and slept very well.