2013: A Year in Review, in Pictures
Everyone else is doing a year in review blog post, so I figured I might as well too. I know I have been kind of absent here this year. I hope to rectify that in 2014.
Highlights this year include:
- 297 miles hiked/backpacked
- 30 nights out in the woods
- 53,300 ft in total elevation gain
- 1 new state visited (Arizona)
- Concerts attended: Mary Lambert, Brandi Carlile, Chris Pureka, The Lone Bellow, Erin McKeown, Lucy Wainright Roche, Black Prairie, Blitzen Trapper, Denver, Shovels and Rope, and a few I am forgetting.
- Volunteered at: World Domination Summit, Help Portrait, Big City Mountaineers
- Gave tours of Portland with Vayable.
- Taught CPR classes
- Enjoyed life to the fullest and made serious plans for the future.
In the meantime, here's a few pictures of some of my favorite trips I went on this past year. Photos may or may not be featured in numerical order. Don't judge!
New Year's Day 2013 on Mt. Hood. We woke at the crack of dawn, and watched the sun rise on the new year.
In February, I had a particularly stressful week at work and needed to get out of town. Where did I go? Mt. Hood, of course! I did a solo backpacking trip in the snow to Upper Twin Lake. It was a quick trip and probably one of my most memorable ones this year. You'll read the story later. Promise!
January also led me to Phoenix, Arizona where I attended my second Gay Christian Network Conference. It was my first time in Arizona and I tried to make the best of it. I was able to stick around for a whole week, and gave a talk at the Valley of the Sun American Pilgrims on the Camino Chapter about my walk on the Camino Portuguese. I also spent some time exploring in Tucson, and visited two friends.
In March, I made a visit to Southern California for some personal business. I hadn't been to California since my grandmother died in 2007. I revisited some old haunts from childhood visits, including Monte Carlo's Pinocchio Restaurant for lunch with a Portland friend who was also in town. I enjoyed catching up with family and friends, including a special visit to my grandparent's graves. It was an emotional trip but one I am happy I took. My friend Daniel provided amazing hospitality to me and for that I am very grateful.
2013 saw me falling more and more in love with hammock camping. I'm still tweaking my kit but so far I love my Hennessy Hyperlite Hammock!
As a lifelong Oregonian, there are still places I have never seen in my home state. I spent a long weekend exploring around the Painted Hills National Monument with some of my friends. I can't wait to go back.
The past few years, I have missed out on Portland Pride. This year, I had out of town guests from Canada and Washington, along with my dear friend, Aiden James, who was booked to perform on the music stage. I love showing people around my hometown and had a blast with my friends. The Jupiter Hotel was handing out free condoms and I couldn't resist a rainbow photo. :)
In July, a road trip was in order. Myself, along with two friends drove to Colorado to see Ms. Brandi Carlile perform at the Red Rocks Amphitheater. We experienced weather unlike any I have ever experienced! Thunder, lightning, and a torrential downpour of epic proportions. And it was worth every drop!
One of my favorite organizations to give my time and money is Big City Mountaineers. This was my second summer volunteering for a week with at-risk youth. We took a group of four teens into the Olympic National Park for five days/four nights and shared our wilderness experience with them. This trip was not without challenges, but the reward of seeing kids learn about themselves and see what their potential is makes it all worth it. This photo was from our first day. This is the Quinault River.
Glacier National Park is one my favorite places in the world. This past summer I had the opportunity to travel with two dear friends for a week-long backpack trip on the Bowman-Kintla Trail. I like to use Vibram Five Fingers for camp shoes. This photo was taken at Boulder Pass on our second to last night out. Pure bliss!
The Timberline Trail has been on my list for a while. My friend Angie and I completed the trail over three nights/four days at the end of August. This cheesy picture is me at the beginning/end of the trail. Mount Hood was in a constant veil of clouds for pretty much the whole trip. It was still an amazing trail, and I hope to do it again.
I would be remiss in not mentioning the many concerts I attended as well. Live music is a huge part of my life. This photo is from my first Shovels & Rope concert. To say I was blown away is an understatement. If they are in your town, please, go see them. Their live show is one of the best I've seen all year.
I learned about an amazing place called Kalaloch Lodge on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington. I spent a couple days up there exploring. This photo is from Ruby Beach. I can't wait to get back there.
December slowed me down a bit. But I was still able to take in a Portland tradition, Tuba Christmas. Only in Portland will 300 tuba players come together to play Christmas Carols as the crowd in Pioneer Square sings along.