A Plea For Help....

First of all, thank you for reading my blog.  It makes me very happy to know you are interested in my travels, my experiences and this adventure I have been on for the past four months.

Second of all, please accept my apologies for not keeping current with the blog the past few weeks.  I am hoping to fix that in the near future.  I have been reflecting on my experiences so far in Thailand and hope to be able to put those ideas into a concise blog entry in the next few days.

Third, and this is the most important part of this post:  I NEED YOUR HELP!  I have been monitoring my bank accounts and when I set off on this grand adventure, I was pretty certain I had enough cash to get me through it all.  Unfortunately, Europe proved to be much costlier than anticipated and my plans for couchsurfing fell short of expectations, especially in Europe, which caused my housing costs to be extremely high (and we're talking about staying in hostels, not hotels).  I've been traveling on a very tight budget since then, spending my money on food, housing and transportation.  Every once in a while I have splurged on something, like a cooking course or a ziplining adventure (in Thailand these are CHEAP!), but for the most part, I have been just living a very simple life (and enjoying it).  People I meet are always asking me why I am not drinking beer or mixed drinks and I always explain to them, "It's expensive to drink! I can't afford it!".  In Thailand, I have been eating a lot of street food (which I LOVE!!) and trying to avoid sit-down places unless the cuisine looks intriguing.

I am getting ready to leave Thailand for Japan, which will be one of the most expensive places I will visit.  I will be staying with a good friend, which will keep my costs low, but I am still very much concerned about money.

I am asking for any of you out there in cyberspace who find my blog a good read, or enjoy reading about my adventures to consider making a small donation.  Anything will help.  I figure if all 500+ of my Facebook friends gave a couple of dollars, I will have enough money to finish my trip and have a small cushion until my first paycheck comes in.  Yep, I have a job lined up for when I return home!  Some of you reading this have already made huge contributions to my trip.  You know who you are.  I am very grateful for those contributions of time, talent and treasure.  I am asking for help from those who have been following along and might have a spare dollar or two lying around.  I know the economy sucks right now, so I don't expect much. I hate asking for help.  It's killing me to do it.  I know that this experience is something I will treasure forever and it brings me great joy to be able to share it with all of you as I have been traveling.

There is a PayPal donation button on the upper right part of my blog.  If you click on this, it will take you to PayPal where you can make a donation.  If you want me to, I will even send you a postcard from Japan!  Please leave your name and address on PayPal if you want me to send a postcard.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Heather Knight